successful project depends on how the working relationship of the workers
involved is. In the process of working, collaboration is one factor that
workers must have to reach their goals or be successful on the project they are
working on. In this article, I will be focusing on how important collaboration
is between entities.
Difference of Communication and Collaboration
people find these two words similar, but I tell you they are totally different.
The only similarity they have is they both involve two people connecting with
each other.
is when you just deliver information from one entity to another. It
just transmits in a one-way direction.
collaboration digs deeper, it delivers information and throughout the
process of delivering there is sharing or changing of thoughts and
Why Do Designers and Developers Should Collaborate?
created here a chart that will help you understand on how important
collaboration is.
Collaboration Chart |
Let us
stick on the chart and answer the question on why do we need to
collaborate at work with each points below.
To share own ideas
first step is sharing of own ideas. It is important when two
people express what they think of something, this applies especially
to developers and designers. In this way, they can say what they
think about the project they are doing.
of ideas improve analytical thinking, creativity and uniqueness.
Analytical Thinking:
Of course you would like your project reach success, so all the thoughts you give must be properly thought of and will be for the good of the project.Creativity and Uniqueness:
We always want a project to be one-of-a-kind and creative. When you share ideas with this kind of goal you will always think of creative and unique ideas that can be appropriate to the project you are doing.To come up with one concept
sharing ideas, you can already come up with one concept. Not just a concept,
but a clear and well-defined one.
could be the benefits of having a clear and well-defined concept?
It will make your work very fast.
It will lessen critical moments.
It will avoid rushing onto deadlines.
It will lessen the expenses.
To avoid miscommunication
Wikipedia defines miscommunication as:
interaction between two parties in which information was not communicated as
A miscommunication
happens when an information or message from one entity is not delivered,
or delivered but not the way you wanted it to be.
When I
was searching for an appropriate image about miscommunication, I have found
this image that is an example of miscommunication between the CEO and
employees. Please take time to read and do not skip any on what it is written
on the image.
Add caption |
This is
one good example of miscommunication. From the CEO down to the staff, the
correct message was not properly conveyed.
should always be avoided for this can make or break the success of a goal or a
project. To avoid this one, always talk to your co-worker and share what you
think. Collaborate.
In the
process of doing these things, a relationship is built between the designer and the
How to Collaborate
Think of Ideas.
When we
work, we should always think of ideas. Ideas are very much important to
think of. For instance with designers and developers, there are times when a
designer thinks of something but seems impossible for the developer to do it. Think of not only one idea, but several yet relevant ideas.
2. Speak Up
your mind. Tell what you think of your project or of one idea. Speaking
improves how we think and talk to other people.
friendly when
you speak up. Avoid being aggressive or boastful, this can
make your co-worker feel uncomfortable towards you.
Collaboration is a two-way transmission. There will be times when you will have to
speak, and there will be times when you will need to sit down and listen to
what your co-worker has to say.
you listen, listen
attentively. This will make them listen to you well like how
you listened to their insights.
listening, take
notes. Remember when you are still at school? When your
professor talks, you take notes. This also apply at work. Notes are very
useful when you want to remember something important that will bring a good
effect to your work. Make sure the notes you take are the important ones.
4. Cooperate
will not happen if there is no cooperation between two entities. Cooperate if
you think you have an idea in mind that can help your project reach success.
See how
the people in this image cooperate to carry those steels? That’s how you should
5. Know your Goals and Priorities
define your priorities. You should know your goals and priorities so that you
will know where you can focus yourself.
6. Be
be responsible, do not ever waste your resources with irrelevant things on your
work. Maximize your resources by being responsible so you will reach
success and be acknowledged for it.
7. Do Your Best
do your best in everything you do, to reach S-U-C-C-E-S-S.
interviewed six people who already worked with a designer or a developer. This
will reflect how these professionals value collaboration on their work.
1. In the 100% of time working with a designer/developer,
how much is the amount of percentage you spent talking with each other?
3 said 40%
2 said 30%
1 said 10%
these answers, I can say that many still value talking and sharing ideas with
co-workers which builds collaboration between entities.
2. Do you talk with your designer/developer even off at work?
Four people
said they still talk with their co-worker even off at work. There are
times when their topic is still about work, and oftentimes it’s about any
said she just talk to her co-workers if they are at work.
said it depends on the personality of his co-worker. If he thinks their
personalities won’t jive, then they only talk when at work.
you may ask on why I included this question. For me, talking to your co-workers
and sharing your insights is one way of building a relationship with them. In
this way, you can be comfortable working with them, and they can also be
comfortable with you.
3. Rate from 1 to 10 (1-lowest, 10-highest) on how important
collaboration is between a designer and a developer? Explain your rating.
Out of
the six, three gave a rate of 10, two gave 9 and one gave a rate of 8.
Jeizelle Anne said:
“The success of the project depends on how the designer and
developer worked together, and when we are working collaboration is
really needed.”
Eric John said:
“I gave 10 for collaboration is one key to have a good output
when working with others, especially between designers and developers.
I find it also good to work when I see that the team or partners
collaborate well together.”
Rassel Jan said:
“Collaboration is really important especially when you are in
those critical moments of the project. In my part as a developer, I should know
on what are the weaknesses of the designer or what he likes to happen on a
certain project and I can do that when there’s a collaboration between us.”
Luigi said:
“No good project will be created if the two will not work and
collaborate well. But there are persons that can do designing and developing
at the same time, though rarely that happens.”
Joren said:
“It is important that the two should come up with just one goal
or expected output.”
Benjamin Arthur said:
“If there is collaboration, the work will be easier for the two.
Then, there will be a good output. If they came up with one concept, then
all of their ideas will be focused there.”
4. Who do you think has the easiest work? Is it the designer or
the developer?
out of the six said it depends on the forté of the person. If the
person excels on designing, he will think that the work of a
designer is easier than the work of a developer and vice versa. One person
said that it’s the designer who has an easier task, since designing is the
only work he/she does.
And I
agree with the majority that it really depends on where you excel. If you
think your passion is coding, then you will think a developer has the
easier work and vice versa.
5. What is your best and worst experience between your
Anne said:
“The best experience I had is when they acknowledge the works I
do. And the worst experience I had is we do not understand each other well due
to language differences.”
John said:
“The best experience I had is when the project was a success or
the expected output was reached. While the worst is when we came to the point
that we already fight. ”
“The best experience is when my designer have done everything I
explained. And the worst is when we already wasted an hour without getting over
a small issue.”
“The worst experience I had is when we are experiencing
misunderstandings, and then what will happen is everything will be done
Arthur said:
“The best experience I had is when he acknowledges my works and tells
my shortcomings in a nice way. While the worst is when he tell things that he
himself doesn’t know how to do.”
avoid negative situations, collaborate.
Share your Thoughts
about you? How important is collaboration for you? You may also share to us
your best and worst experiences with your co-worker. Comment now!
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